Case Study: AI Strategic Guidance

Provided guidance to an AI executive from the healthcare industry in building a body region detection system from medical images.

Outcome: Helped Client Successfully Navigate Product Development. FDA Approval Gained.

Problem Description

An AI Executive from a well-known medical imaging company approached us about guidance in developing a system to detect body regions from 3D medical images. A 3D medical scan is sliced into a sequence of 2D images. The sequence of images is then classified. The challenges that were faced by the client included what infrastructure to use, how to improve accuracy, how to invest in labeling and how to incorporate additional structure.

Reliancy Solution

Our Guidance stretched over multiple years and included:

  • Leadership Support

    Roadmap development. Infrastructure assessments. Education of leaders on most applicable approaches.

  • Accuracy Improvements

    Exploration of sequence models to gain accuracy over basic classifiers. Sequence models take into account all image slices in sequence, rather than looking at them independently.

  • Optimizing Labeling Efforts

    Exploration on how to leverage active learning. Labeling in this domain is expensive. Active learning identifies which images would add most value if labeled.

  • Exploiting Added Problem Structure

    Extending the basic classifier to incorporate other forms of data by leveraging a graph-based neural network.


Our guidance significantly affected the direction of product development.

  • Assisted Client In Navigating A Challenging Problem

    Using our experience we helped the client avoid pitfalls. We helped them understand where the low hanging fruits are what next steps were most likely to lead to success.

  • Time and Cost Reduction

    We helped our client understand how to most effectively label their data. Beyond that we provided corporate education both the the executives and the team members. By focusing our client on what's relevant we effecitvely helped them save time and cost.

  • The Approach Gained FDA Approval

    We are proud that a product which received so much of our input ended up gaining FDA approval.

Client Testimonial

"As a Technology Executive with many years of experience developing and commercializing ML solutions for medical imaging products, I have found Reliancy’s mentoring and guidance in recent AI development techniques and methodologies extremely helpful and insightful. The field of AI is evolving quickly and Reliancy's ability to provide guidance towards the best combination of modeling and technology solutions inspired from large scale implementation experience is invaluable."
- Executive Director of AI, Medical Imaging Company

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